Cuban Friendship Urn, Present Day

This file appears in: Cuban Friendship Urn
Cuban Friendship Urn, Present Day

The Cuban Friendship Urn, also known as the Cuban-American Friendship Urn or U.S.S. Maine Memorial, located on Ohio Drive, S.W. (near the 14th Street Bridge) in East Potomac Park, Washington, D.C. The marble urn once stood atop a column of marble in Havana, Cuba to commemorate the sailors who lost their lives aboard the U.S.S. Maine and the friendship and bonds between Cuba and the United States. A hurricane in October 1926 knocked the marble column over and the urn was added to this marble plinth and sent to the United States in 1928. For a number of years it stood outside the Cuban Embassy located on 16th Street, N.W. When relations between the United States and Cuba deteriorated, the memorial was moved to its present site. In 2007, the urn was placed on the National Register of Historic Places.

This file appears in: Cuban Friendship Urn