Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church

Built between 1926 and 1928, Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church features Biblical scenes in its stained glass windows.

Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church was established in 1876, when American-born members of Trinity German Lutheran Church founded their own English-speaking congregation and shifted affiliation to the Ohio Synod. It became an important mission church, helping to establish at least three more congregations in the next half-century. In 1924, the Ohio Synod endorsed the idea of a new home for Grace Church to serve as its representative church in the national capital and a potential force on moral issues. To that end, other congregations contributed to the construction, which began in 1926 and finished two years later.

The rock-faced limestone building was designed by Rochester native J.W.C. Corbusier, a Beaux Arts-trained church architect. It is dominated by a massive central tower and exhibits many characteristic neo-Gothic details, including lancet windows, quatrefoils, crenelation, pinnacles, and a timber-framed roof.

DC Inventory: May 23, 2013



4300 16th Street, NW