Church of the Epiphany

The church has served numerous purposes over its history.

Built in 1844, the Church of the Epiphany is an unpretentious Gothic Revival style structure designed by John W. Harkness. Following the founding of the parish in 1842, the congregation consecrated their new building in 1852, and significant construction added buttresses, a gabled roof, a vestibule, and a baptistery in the decades that followed.

Many notable historic figures were congregants of the church, including President Buchanan, Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, and Supreme Court Chief Justice Morison Waite. Its location downtown made it a popular church for government and military officials, and would even be utilized as an interim hospital in 1862 during the Civil War. The Episcopal church still hosts an active congregation.

DC Inventory: November 8, 1964 (Joint Committee on Landmarks)
National Register: September 10, 1971



1317 G Street NW