The day after the police announce that future pickets would be given limit of 6 mos. in prison, Alice Paul led picket line with banner reading "The time has come to conquer or submit for there is but one choice - we have made it." She is followed by Mrs. Lawrence Lewis [Dora Lewis]. This

This file appears in: Benjamin Ogle Tayloe House
The day after the police announce that future pickets would be given limit of 6 mos. in prison, Alice Paul led picket line with banner reading "The time has come to conquer or submit for there is but one choice - we have made it." She is followed by Mrs. Lawrence Lewis [Dora Lewis]. This
Harris & Ewing, Washington, D.C. The day after the police announce that future pickets would be given limit of 6 mos. in prison, Alice Paul led picket line with banner reading "The time has come to conquer or submit for there is but one choice - we have made it." She is followed by Mrs. Lawrence Lewis Dora Lewis. This. United States Washington D.C, 1917. Photograph.

In this image, Alice Paul is leading picketers out of the Tayloe House and toward the White House.

This file appears in: Benjamin Ogle Tayloe House