The Nuns of the Battlefield Monument, honoring the nuns who tended wounded and sick soldiers during the Civil War, features a large bronze relief panel that depicts the life-sized figures of twelve nuns, who wear various habits. At either end of the…

This bronze equestrian statue of General William Tecumseh Sherman memorializes his service in the Civil War for the Union Army. At the corners of the granite pedestal stand bronze soldiers representing four branches of the army: infantry on the…

This equestrian statue honors General Philip H. Sheridan, a U.S. Army officer who played an important role in securing Union victories against the Confederacy during the Shenandoah Valley Campaigns of 1864. On March 2, 1889, Congress authorized a…

Erected in 1874, this equestrian statue of Brevet Lieutenant-General Winfield Scott was the first memorial honoring a Civil War general to be installed in one of DC’s public traffic circles or squares. Throughout his decorated career in the US Army,…

This statue of General John A. Rawlins was erected by the Federal Government in 1874 to honor the longtime friend, trusted adviser, and aide-de-camp of General Ulysses S. Grant during the Civil War. Rawlins also served as Secretary of War during…

Although he is depicted in this bronze pedestrian statue as a Masonic leader in civilian dress rather than a military man, Albert Pike was a senior officer in the Confederate Army. The Albert Pike Memorial, erected by the Supreme Council, Southern…

First conceived by Union Admiral David D. Porter in 1865, the 44-foot-high, ornately detailed Peace Monument stands as a memorial to the naval deaths at sea during the Civil War. It was completed in 1878 and stands in the circle to the west of the…

This impressive memorial to George Gordon Meade stands along Pennsylvania Avenue, NW in front of the E. Barrett Prettyman United States Courthouse. Meade was a career U.S. Army officer who led forces during several major battles, including Antietam…

Erected in 1876, this equestrian statue of Major General James B. McPherson serves as the centerpiece of McPherson Square along Vermont Avenue between K and I Streets N.W. General McPherson commanded the Army of the Tennessee and distinguished…