Mount Vernon Triangle Historic District

The Mount Vernon Triangle Historic District is a remnant of a unique 19th and early 20th century working class neighborhood.

The Mount Vernon Triangle Historic District consists of a tight-knit group of 25 residential, commercial, and light industrial buildings dating from 1873 to 1946. The area evolved from extremely modest pre-Civil War beginnings of scattered wood-frame dwellings occupied by poor residents to a more stable but still working-class neighborhood of brick, residential, commercial and light-industrial buildings in the late 19th and early 20th century. In the mid-20th century, Mount Vernon Triangle became a more strictly commercial and industrial area of single-story stores and businesses.

The collection of buildings in the historic district provides a visual reminder of the types of homes and businesses that were erected by members of this community—working-class entrepreneurs of mixed backgrounds, including sizeable German and Italian immigrant populations, many with ties to the local merchant community. The district also includes archaeological resources and buildings documenting the beginnings of automobile service businesses.

DC Inventory: November 17, 2005 (effective March 26, 2006)
National Register: September 19, 2006



Bounded by the 400 block of Massachusetts Ave., NW on south, 400 block of K St., NW on north, Prather's Alley, NW on the east, and 5th Street (west side) on the west