Constructed between 1808 and 1818 through the use of enslaved labor, Arlington House was built for George Washington Parke Custis, grandson of George and Martha Washington. Originally named Mount Washington, Custis renamed the property Arlington…

Discussion of a location for the nation’s capital began as early as 1779; however, this decision was not given active attention until 1783. Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton worked between northern and southern representatives to get support for…

Tudor Place is among the foremost Federal-era mansions in the nation, designed by William Thornton, architect of the U.S. Capitol. Construction of the house began circa 1794, was completed circa 1815, and was financed by an inheritance from the…

Formerly called “The Rest,” the Lyles-Magruder House was once a part of Mrs. Magruder’s great estate, contemporary with other important estates such as Mount Vernon and Clean Drinking Manor. The building has incredible historical significance over…