Hamilton Hotel

The Hamilton Hotel looms large in the history of the labor movement in DC from the 1920s through the 1960s.

Designed by noted local architect Jules Henri de Sibour (1872-1938), the Beaux Arts Hamilton Hotel opened in 1922. The eleven-story limestone and terra cotta building offered out-of-town guests and locals meeting rooms, a gracious dining room, and a cocktail lounge known as the Rainbow Room. The generous public spaces became important gathering places for a larger community of union labor leaders, such as William Green (1873-1952), president of the American Federation of Labor from 1924 to 1952, who lived at the Hamilton.

The Hamilton Hotel has undergone several major renovations to keep with the demands of a modern hotel. Despite the hotel’s numerous renovations, the building maintains its architectural integrity and historical significance.

DC Inventory: November 29, 2012
National Register: April 17, 2013



1001 14th Street NW