This memorial to Edmund Burke--an English statesman who championed the cause of the American colonies in Parliament--was presented to the United States by the Sulgrave Institution, an organization that promoted friendship and international relations…

As a young Polish-Lithuanian military engineer, Kościuszko offered his service in the American Revolution. This memorial to Polish Brigadier General Kościuszko was presented by the Polish Alliance and the Polish American people of the United States.…

Designed by architect Edward P. Casey and sculpted by John J. Boyle, this memorial is an eight-foot bronze statue of Commodore John Barry, who is depicted standing on a high marble pedestal. An Irish immigrant, Commodore Barry joined the American…

To commemorate George Washington's leadership as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution, Congress commissioned this bronze equestrian statue from sculptor Clark Mills after his successful completion of the…

This memorial honors Massachusetts native Major General Artemas Ward, an experienced military leader who was second-in-command to General George Washington at the creation of the Continental Army. Although Ward had to resign his command in 1777 due…

This memorial commemorates Prussian-born Baron Frederick Wilhelm von Steuben, Major General of the Continental Army and the man most responsible for the training of American troops during the Revolutionary War. Sculpted by Albert Jaegers, the statue…

Jean-Baptiste Dontatien de Vimeur, Comte de Rochambeau, was a commander of the French army that fought alongside General George Washington and the Continental Army during Revolutionary War. Unlike the Marquis de Lafayette, who defied King Louis…

This equestrian monument to Brigadier General Count Casimir Pulaski was erected by Congress to honor the famed Polish Marshal General who came to fight and gave his life for American Independence. Having military experience in Europe, Pulaski became…

This memorial commemorates the Marquis Gilbert de Lafayette, a French nobleman who at the age of twenty crossed the Atlantic to fight for American Independence, despite a royal decree prohibiting French officers from joining the Continental Army.…

John Paul Jones was a British merchant marine turned fugitive who took refuge in Virginia in 1773. At the outset of the Revolutionary War, he entered the Continental Navy as a lieutenant. Swiftly promoted to captain, Jones was given command of his…